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Advertisement Opportunities

Advertising opportunities include banners as well as text ads. Gene Therapy Net accepts gif, jpg or animated banners of different sizes (full banner of 468x60 pixels or cube banner of 125x125 pixels) with a maximum file size of 20kb. Combinations of different banners and campaigns is possible.

Full banners, cube banners and text ads will be placed on highly visible sections throughout the site. Cube banners and text ads are placed in the left columns of the site, whereas full banners are placed in the middle wide column of the site. Your banner or text ad will be hyperlinked to the web address of your choice.

There are four different types of campaigns:

1 Full banner Located in rotation with other banners on all pages, including the home page
2 Home page banner or text links Located only on the home page. Always visible in 1st or 2nd news item in center of the home page
3 Cube banner Located on left ‘related links’ column on a minimum of 50% of all pages, including the home page
4 Text links Located on left ‘related links’ column on a minimum of 50% of all pages, including the home page


Gene Therapy News