Locating Clinical Gene Therapy Trials
Depending on the kind of participants required, sponsors of clinical trials use various recruitment strategies, including patient databases, newspaper and radio advertisements, flyers, posters in places the patients might go (such as doctor's offices), and personal recruitment of patients by investigators. Volunteers with specific conditions or diseases have additional online resources to help them locate clinical trials. Patients may search in the clinical trial databases provided on Gene Therapy Net, but they can also search directly on ClinicalTrials.gov to locate trials using a registry run by the U.S. National Institutes of Health and National Library of Medicine.
Please note that many clinical trials will not accept participants who contact them directly to volunteer as it is believed this may bias the characteristics of the population being studied. Such trials typically recruit via networks of medical professionals who ask their individual patients to consider enrollment. A number of patients also travel to other countries for medical treatment. See for more information the section Medical Tourism.
Clinical Trial Information
- General Information
- Clinical Trials Design
- Clinical Trial Phases
- Risks and Benefits of Clinical Trials
- Participate in Clinical Trial
- Informed Consent
- Locating Clinical Gene Therapy Trials
- Medical Tourism
- Recently received Clinical Gene Therapy Trials
- Search Clinical Gene Therapy Trials
- Clinical Trials Databases
Gene Therapy Net is not intended to replace or constitute the giving of medical treatments or advice. Gene Therapy Net will not answer any questions related to treatments, medical advice or participation in clinical trials.
Your doctor may be an excellent resource to help identify clinical trials for a particular disease.
Your doctor may be an excellent resource to help identify clinical trials for a particular disease.